Similar to the July event , we are organising another one this month , to share , interact and demonstration of Art Session with me Shen Ying and co host with our local well known Water Colour Artist and educator,Mr Koay Shao Peng .
Kindly bring along your own drawing materials.
For more details, kindly contact 012-4316660, Shen Ying
活动详情 Event Information:
报名费: RM30 (一位)
活动日期: 2022年8月13号
时间:晚上7点 至 晚上9点
地点:槟州华人大会堂, 3楼,307号房
Participation Fees: RM30 /pax
Event Date : 13th August 2022
Time : 7:00PM to 9:00PM
Venue:Penang Chinese Town Hall, 3rd Floor, Room 307
Number of Participants: Limited to 20 people
画家简介 Artist Summary :
1960生于槟城,1977年毕业于钟灵中学, 1985年创办康艺美育培训中心,曾获北京文化馆颁发最佳组织奖,办过5次水彩个展。
- 2017-2022浮罗艺术协会主席
- 蕴涵少儿美育协会主席
- 曾获得IWS尼泊尔国际水彩画现场文化写生冠军
- 出版过10集中学想象画参考画册, 并多次受邀到国内各州给于学校美术导师培训。
Koay Shao Peng :
Born in Penang in 1960, he graduated from Chung Ling High School in 1977 and founded the Kang Yi Aesthetic Training Center in 1985, received the Best Organization Award from the Beijing Cultural Center, has held 5 solo watercolor exhibitions.
- 2017-2022 President of the Furrow Art Association
- President of the Yum Yum Children’s Aesthetic Association
- Winner of IWS Nepal International Watercolor Painting Live Cultural Sketching
- Has published 10 reference books on imaginative painting for schools and has been invited to various states in China to train art instructors.
Shen Ying
有兴趣支持的,请whatsapp给 Shen Ying
If you are interested in supporting, please WhatsApp Shen Ying.