Koh Teng Huat 古天发
古天发,刀画艺术家,槟城浮罗山背人。 他去年受邀到Marina Island Pangkor 当驻岛艺术家,协办了海岛画廊。 他热爱这片国土,一刀走遍13州,用刀和笔记录了我国各地美景与风土人情。 他也在家乡推广艺术家驻村计划,立志打造浮罗山背成为国际艺术村。 荣起思库创办人黄泽荣这样形容阿古: 一刀走全馬! 古天發登场,要您好看! 一位拿画刀来彩绘他家乡的景色和感情的奇葩刀画艺术家,画风成熟,风格绝对是个人的,近来,画风更趋深刻豪迈,有浑然一体,一气呵成的奔放,也有含情脉脉的矜持和内敛。 这位马来西亚别树一帜的刀画家古天发原来跑过新闻,多年奔波在外,从事推广幼儿识字教育,13年前回归家乡,在工作之余,研究当地的历史古迹与现代人文发展的衔接,鼓励民众共同守护浮罗山背这座美丽的山城。 2009年因缘际会接触厚油刀油画,他豪迈奔放的画风把家乡风物尽收画布,2010年开始参与在槟城、雪兰莪、甚至远至中国海南岛与台湾花莲举办的画展联展,办了首次个展《乔治市艺术;老街的故事》之后,是《母亲的故乡》个展,后来陆续举办和参与不少国内外画展。 他40岁回乡后致力深化浮罗山背文史传承工作,重执画笔,画作呈现出在地美景生活轮廓,在最适合慢活的山城,他用时间,慢慢磨成最幸福的人生足迹。他也在家乡推广艺术家驻村计划,立志打造浮罗山背成为国际艺术村。 古天发去年受邀到Marina Island Pangkor 当驻岛艺术家,协办了海岛画廊。他热爱这片国土,一刀走遍13州,用刀和笔记录了我国各地美景与风土人情。
1. Where does Ah Koh come from?
Born in 1963, Ah Koh was born and raised in Balik Pulau, a hidden garden in Penang Island, Malaysia.
2. Where did Ah Koh exhibit his work?
His artworks have been exhibited in Malaysia, Singapore, China, Macau and Taiwan.
3. Which countries and cities have Ah Koh visited and been his source of inspiration in creating his artwork?
Australia, New Zealand, China, Macau, Hongkong, UK, Germany, Netherland, France, Switzerland, Indonesia, Thailand, Singapore; and of course, all the thirteen states in Malaysia!
4. How much does Ah Koh’s paintings cost?
The highest record ever achieved was MYR120,000.00, at a charity auction by Hope Garden, Johor Bahru.
5. Who are the collectors of Ah Koh’s artwork?
There are so many of them, from family and friends to collectors from overseas. It’ll be hard to mention everyone but I really appreciate their support towards my painting career.
6. At which auction houses have Ah Koh’s paintings been sold?
Masterpiece, KL Lifestyle, The Edge, Younie, MNP, Raffles
3: 阿古到过什么国家游学与画画?
最高记录是RM 120,000.00(2006年新山希望园慈善拍卖会)
Master Piece,KL lifestye,The Edge,Younie,MNP,Raffles