Arts Penang, Malaysia

We are Art Family​ | 我们是艺家人


会员福利 Member Benefits

  • QSpace 艺家人可以在实体画廊展览。
  • 作品获得在QSpace的网上画廊卖,每人只限20张。(为期1年)
  • 作品获得在QSpace的网上拍卖,每人只限5张。(为期1年)
  • 作品由QSpace艺术市场部推荐给全世界数千位潜在艺术爱好者与收藏家。
  • 可以在画展期间,到画廊 办工作坊(Workshop)。
  • 可以参加QSpace举办的艺术营(国内与国外)。
  • 加入会员成为家人,每年的年费RM200。
  • QSpace artists can exhibit in physical exhibitions.
  • Paintings are sold in QSpace’s online gallery, and each person is limited to 20 pieces.
  • Paintings can participate in the QSpace online auction held every year, and a limited 5 Paintings can participate in the auction time.
  • Works are recommended by QSpace Art Marketing Department to thousands of  potential Art lovers and collectors.
  • During the exhibition period, you can go to the gallery to hold a workshop.
  • You can participate in the art camp held by QSpace,(domestic and foreign).
  • To become a member, the annual fee is RM200.

Koh Teng Huat

If you are interested in supporting, please WhatsApp Koh Teng Huat.

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