Arts Penang, Malaysia

PWCS Zoom Cakap Cakap Series #02

明晚8点槟城水彩画会将通过 Zoom 做个分享会:
1) 浮罗交怡国际旅绘2022(邱昌仁分享)


Penang Water Colour Society Zoom Cakap-Cakap Series is a social tool to share anything about art in an informal way. Come join us tomorrow evening at 8pm on Zoom for a sharing on recently concluded :
1)Langkawi International Art Tourism 2022 (by Khoo Cheang Jin in Mandarin with English captions) and
2)Recent Visit to National Art Gallery Singapore (by Ch’ng Kiah Kiean in Mandarin). Anyone are welcome, admission is free.

Event is open to everyone, not just members of the Penang Water Colour Sociery (PWCS).

Event Details 活动详情

活动日期 – 2022年10月19日(星期三)
时间:晚上8点 至 晚上9点30分 (1小时30分钟)

Event Date : October 19th 2022 (Wednesday)
Time: 8:00PM to 9:30PM (1 hour and 30 minutes)
Sharing Platform:Zoom

Khoo Cheang Jin

有兴趣支持的,请whatsapp给 Khoo Cheang Jin
If you are interested in supporting, please WhatsApp Khoo Cheang Jin.

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