Arts Penang, Malaysia

Author name: khoocheangjin

PWCS Dato’ Cheam Shaw Lee Young Watercolour Talents Award 2024

Event Details 活动详情 岁数: 16 – 25 岁截止日期: 2024年05月03日(星期三)票价:一位 5令吉 (RM5)规矩: 请参一下考报名表格 Age: 16-25 years-oldSize: 38x56cm OR 28x76cmDeadline : May 03rd 2024 (Friday)Rules: Refer to Registration Form provided below Registration Form 报名表格: Click here to register 点击以报名

PWCS Dato’ Cheam Shaw Lee Young Watercolour Talents Award 2024 Read More »

Watercolour Workshop @ Red House

Welcome all to join our free workshop!我们期待大家加入我们免费的工作坊! Project A Pace, A Sketch, A Spectrum of Life is an initiative under the Downtown Johor Bahru Grants Programme: Arts, Heritage and Culture, a collaboration between Iskandar Regional Development Authority (IRDA) and Think City, supported by Majlis Bandaraya Johor Bahru (MBJB). Focusing on heritage core of Johor Bahru,

Watercolour Workshop @ Red House Read More »

PWCS Zoom Cakap Cakap Series #02

明晚8点槟城水彩画会将通过 Zoom 做个分享会:1) 浮罗交怡国际旅绘2022(邱昌仁分享)2)新加坡国家画廊(荘嘉强分享)。欢迎大家网上入席,免费参与。 此活动欢迎大家参与,不限槟城水彩画会会员。 Penang Water Colour Society Zoom Cakap-Cakap Series is a social tool to share anything about art in an informal way. Come join us tomorrow evening at 8pm on Zoom for a sharing on recently concluded :1)Langkawi International Art Tourism 2022 (by Khoo Cheang Jin in Mandarin with English captions) and2)Recent Visit to

PWCS Zoom Cakap Cakap Series #02 Read More »

《三城记》三人联展 Tale of 3 Cities 3 Men Art Exhibition

《三城记》是我和两个孩子砚瑜砚怀的联展,欢迎莅临指正,七月卅日星期六下午三点开幕,展览至八月七日结束,开放时间为上午九点至下午五点。 Tale of 3 Cities- an art exhibition by the Khoo family (Cheang Jin, Yan Yu & Yan Huai). The Opening will be at 3pm this Saturday, 30 July 2022 and the exhibition will last until Sunday 7 Aug 2022, 9am – 5pm. All are welcome.   活动详情 Event Information: 开幕典礼 – 2022年7月30日 (下午3点)活动日期 – 2022年7月30日 至 2022年8月07日

《三城记》三人联展 Tale of 3 Cities 3 Men Art Exhibition Read More »

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